Board of Missions

God's work, our hands

Linda Boxdorfer- Chairman
Elaine Powers

From your Board of Missions:

Inter Church Food Pantry –
We continue to collect and drop off food to the Interchurch Food Pantry. 66 pounds of donations were collected for the month of May!
Elaine Powers will announce what is needed for July after church service on 6/30.

Fast Track Collection –
We’ve partnered with United Way to be a school supply collection site from 7/8-8/18. This program helps over 2000 children with school supplies they need to start the school year. We will have a box or basket available after each church service where donations can be placed.

Franklin fireworks are July 3rd – We will again share our parking lot and lawn with the community. We’d like to offer water bottles and ask for donations of single use water bottles that we can put in a cooler and share with our guests. We’ll have Church pamphlets on hand to pass out also.

Yours in Christ

Michelle Pierce, Chairman

Let me introduce myself. I’m Michelle Pierce, and I’m originally from Michigan. My husband Brad and I moved to Indianapolis in 2009 and moved to Franklin a year and a half ago, from the Beech Grove area. We have 3 adult children. Two followed us to Indy and one remains in Detroit. While in Michigan we worshipped at St Paul Lutheran Church in Royal Oak, where I was the board Secretary at St Paul’s day school. We joined GSLC a year ago and I joined the Missions board just last month. I am new to this role and very excited with the great ideas that we have, and welcome feedback and suggestions. As a result of our first Mission meeting, we’d like to challenge our congregation to bring a family to church on Easter! Our hope is to share our celebration of Christ resurrection with lots of new faces.

We’d like to do a Spring cleaning in the near future. We’ll need volunteers and needless to say, the more volunteers. the less work and the faster it will go. Look forward to more information, soon.

Did you know?

We have emergency food/help bags in the church office.
Rose occasionally gives them to a stranded motorist, or If someone calls/stops by needing a little help.
The bags hold a bottle of water, crackers, packaged snacks, sometimes a gift card. Such a small gesture makes a huge impact. I loved the idea when I heard and wanted everyone to be aware. Feel free to contribute if you are so inclined